Commodore Joshua Barney (1759-1818) commanded Chesapeake Flotilla of barges and gunboats against British forces at First Battle of St. British conducted raids on Chesapeake targets, including Havre de Grace.ġ814, June 8-10. Perry Benson and his militia fought off British forces at Second Battle of St. Sir Thomas Sydney Beckwith's forces at Battle of Slippery Hill, near Queenstown, until forced to retreat.ġ813, Aug. Nicholson and his militia fought with British Col. Perry Benson and local militia defended St. Chesapeake, first steamboat on Chesapeake Bay, traveled between Baltimore and Annapolis.ġ813, Aug.

Hagerstown incorporated (Chapter 121, Acts of 1813, Dec. College of Medicine of Maryland rechartered as University of Maryland, Baltimore.ġ813. Thomas Kemp, Fell's Point, launched Baltimore Clipper Chasseur, later famous under command of part-owner and privateer Thomas Boyle.ġ812, Dec. Levin Winder (Federalist), governor.ġ812, Dec. Mob attacked Alexander Contee Hanson (1786-1819), editor of Baltimore Federal Republican, and party.ġ812-1816. United States declared war on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.ġ812, June 27. Robert Bowie (Democratic-Republican), governor.ġ812, June 18. William Pinkney (1746-1822) served as U.S. Hezekiah Niles (1777-1839) began publishing Weekly Register, a national newspaper, in Baltimore.ġ811, Dec. Maryland Penitentiary (now Metropolitan Transition Center) opened in Baltimore.ġ811, Sept. Washington Cotton Manufacturing Company, Mount Washington, first in State, incorporated.ġ811. Adult white male suffrage extended by constitutional amendment to federal elections property qualification ended in voting for electors for president, vice-president, and congressmen.ġ810, Jan. Elizabeth Ann Seton statue, National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, 339 South Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, Maryland, July 2016. Edward Lloyd V (Democratic-Republican), governor. Joseph's College, Emmitsburg, founded.ġ809-1811. Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821) adopted modified rule of Sisters of Charity, established order in Emmitsburg.ġ809. John Dubois (1764-1842) established Mount St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821) opened female academy, Baltimore.ġ808. John Carroll (1735-1815) became Archbishop of Baltimore, first Catholic Archbishop in United States.ġ808. College of Medicine of Maryland, nation's first public medical school, chartered at Baltimore by the General Assembly.ġ808. Robert Wright (Democratic-Republican), governor.ġ807, Dec.

National Road authorized by Congress, eventually linking federally-funded Cumberland Road with privately-constructed Baltimore and Frederick Town Turnpike.ġ806-1809. Mary's Seminary Chapel, Baltimore (completed 1808).ġ806, March 29. Maximilien Godefroy (1765-1838) designed first Gothic Revival structure in United States, St. Designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1764-1820), main section completed 1818.ġ806. Construction started for Basilica of the Assumption, America's first Roman Catholic cathedral.

Gunpowder Copper Works, a mining operation, established by Levi Hollingsworth at Glen Arm, Baltimore County.ġ806. Baltimore Water Company formed (chartered 1792).ġ804. Robert Bowie (Democratic-Republican), governor.ġ804, April 20. Afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte returned to France in 1805 and married German princess Catharina of Württemberg in 1807 Elizabeth Patterson received a divorce in America in 1815.ġ803-1806. Elizabeth Patterson (1785-1879) of Baltimore married Jerome Bonaparte (1784-1860), brother of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), in Baltimore. President and Vice-President by Electoral College.ġ803, Dec. Constitution, providing for election of U.S. Viva voce voting at elections changed to voting by ballot.ġ803, Dec. Daniel Coker (1780-1846), who had been born into slavery as Isaac Wright and later escaped, ministered to black Methodists, Baltimore.ġ803, Jan. Property qualifications for voting in local and State elections removed by constitutional amendment, granting suffrage to adult white males (Chapter 90, Acts of 1801, ratified 1802).ġ802. John Francis Mercer (Democratic-Republican), governor.ġ802. Brown), first investment bank in nation, founded in Baltimore.ġ801-1803. He established the first charitable foundations in America and England, and founded the Peabody Institute at Baltimore in 1857.ġ800. Evartt.Ī Baltimore merchant who moved to London, George Peabody became a philanthropist and diplomat. Story, before Peabody Institute, Mount Vernon Place, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2009. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Maryland, September 2009. Vernon Place United Methodist Church, 10 East Mt. Brugger, Maryland: A Middle Temperament, 1634-1980 (Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988).įrancis Scott Key plaque, Mt. Maryland Historical Chronology, 1800-1899 MARYLAND AT A GLANCE HISTORICAL CHRONOLOGYĪided by Robert J.